Because sharing is caring

This entry caught my eye today. It’s a waste not sharing it with my readers.


Nannoor’s original post from her blog

Remember my post on Ramadhan Sale for the poor last year? (read HERE)

Thanks to my friend nina, she shared in her blog and was given permission share it with all of you.
Sumber info from nina and i edit to make for easier reading.

This is the email from Ms Lizah Ali, the organizer.

Assalamu’alaikum wrt wbt …..Everyone.

The date for the Ramadhan Sale 2012 is set to be on the 5th of August 2012 (about 2 weeks into Ramadhan). We are already collecting clothes and entering the second week of Ramadhan we plan to do collection all over Klang Valley. Pls let me know if u need goods to be collected from yr house or company. Kalau boleh biar ramai-ramai kumpul sekali senang… (Lizah-016 2112 470). We will do collection ONLY on 26th and 27th July 2012. Please refer to slide show attached for information on Rumah Mahabbah and previous years’ events. This year kami hendak beri penekanan kepada “BAJU KANAK-KANAK” supaya kejadian tahun lepas tidak berlaku lagi, iaitu ramai kanak-kanak yang tidak dapat baju…. Sesiapa yang bermurah hati, dan hendak membeli pakaian kanak-kanak baru, kami sangat2 mengalu-alukan… Semoga Allah SWT memberikan anda semua pahala dan keberkatan yang berlipat ganda. Sesiapa yang ingin menderma barang-barang lain seperti kurma, beras, tepung atau lain-lain… boleh datang pada hari 5 Ogos untuk beri sendiri…. Let us know so kami boleh manage kan…

RAMADHAN SALE FOR THE POOR 2012 (Mahabbah-Ramadhan 2012)
Venue: Masjid Asy-syakirin, Jalan Gombak
Time: 9 am to 2 pm
Targeted ASNAF: about 100 families from gombak, selayang, PPR tmn melati and PPR sentul.
Date: 5th August 2012

On the 3rd (friday) and 4th of August (Saturday) there will be a massive sorting out of goods from morning to night. We need volunteers. Pls let me know siapa-siapa yg berminat nak HANDS ON… maybe kita juga boleh berbuka puasa bersama-sama, sambil berkenalan dan mengeratkan silaturrahim.
On the 5th of August, kita juga perlukan volunteer utk tolong with the sale. Pls let me know siapa-siapa yang nak tolong ye… Jobs included:
1) Pak and Mak supir (heh heh… tolong hantar and ambil keluarga miskin berdekatan)
2) “sales”persons (nak ramai) … tolong carikan baju-baju yg sesuai (sbb ada yg buta, ada baby, anak kecil terlalu ramai, sakit and tak leh bjalan sangat…etc..)
3) “Cashier” – tolong jaga counter untuk kutip balik voucher and verify goods.
4) Penjaga Special items – jaga baju2 baru dan barang2 sedekah so that orang tak berebut ambil banyak…
5) replenishers…. tukang replenish goods and kutip hangersSesiapa yg nak volunteer pls let me know via SMS (sbb i ni jarang bukak FB) and I will contact u allz later…Thanks and SELAMAT MENYAMBUT RAMADHAN ALMUBARAK.
Semoga Allah SWT memberi keberkatan kepada kita semua, insyaAllah.Lizah 016 2112 470

All announcement and charity updates can be found at Warehouse of Used Goods group page.

If you wish to send your donations yourself to Warehouse of Used Goods, the map as follows:
But please contact Ms Lizah Ali at 016-211 2470 and inform her in advance that you’re coming so that someone can attend to you.

May Allah be pleased with our efforts and accept our amal jariah. Please kumpulkan barang2 yang nak sedeqahkan. Items that we accept are as follows:-
·        Pakaian kanak-kanak (IMPORTANT!!)
·        Pakaian dalam kanak-kanak yang baru (e.g. panties)
·        Pakaian ragam sekolah kanak-kanak
·        Pakaian org dewasa
·        Bantal, cadar, selimut
·        Telekung, songkok, sejadah
·        Permainan/toys
·        Kain batik/pelekat, tudung
·        Kasut, sandal, beg tangan, beg sekolah, kasut sekolah
·        Buku cerita, alat tulis sekolah
·        Diapers, barangan bayi (yang belum digunakan lagi)


The organizer will come to PUTRAJAYA, BANGI ,CYBERJAYA and KLCC on 27th  July, Friday to collect the donation goods.

If you wish to meet them, the schedule as follows:

·        Bangi-  9:30 a.m (PLC and PRSB)
·        Putrajaya- 11:00 a.m (via appointment)
·        Cyberjaya- 12:00 p.m (via appointment)
·        PETRONAS Twin Towers (Tower 2)- 1:30 pm

Contact person to call  for appointment is : Ms Asni Ali, +6O12-3752237

Alternatively, if you want to donate but can’t send it yourself, I’m willing to be the focal point to collect the goods. I will pass it to the van myself 🙂

My number is 019 665 2321, you can contact me and we can arrange time to meet.

So please, if you want to donate, please kindly do it in between 23-26th July 2012. (next monday-Thursday).

Copy paste from nina’s blog:

Just few things to ingatkan diri sendiri dan kawan2 🙂 harap tidak membebankan..

1. Niat sedekah kerana Allah Taala, ikhlaskan hati utk membantu org susah, bukan semata2 utk ‘kemas almari’ or ‘to get rid unused/old items’.
2. Kalau boleh beri yg masih elok sahaja. Imagine yourself being them.:)
3. New items and cash donation are welcomed too. E.g baju kurung kanak2, toys, booksTahun lepas items ni la yg kurang.Especially baju kurung kanak2.
4. Sila asingkan dan label, mana baju, mana toys, mana buku. etc.
5. Harap tiada barang2 tajam hehe..(mana tau kot ada yg bagi gunting mainan kanak2 ke or ape2 yg seangkatan sbb nnt saya kena lalu security screening utk pass to my officemate.)

Semoga bermanfaat untuk semua.

Feel free to share this information.
The organizer provided a powerpoint about this charity drive. Feel free to read it too.
Link at google docs CLICK HERE

So anyone yang nak donate, or nak jadi volunteer sangat2 dialu2kan.