Too early for fresh milk, perhaps?

This is a continuation from my last post a about feeding Z with fresh milk.

Well, it didn’t turn out so good.

I bought the Dutch Lady 1-6 UHT milk dalam box tu. First attempt, I mix the milk into his porridge. Recipe ala2 carbonara la kononnye. Then, I informed the daycare that his porridge ada susu Dutch Lady so if he had any allergic reaction, they should know why. And to inform me immediately. Alhamdulillah, he survived the porridge.

After 2 days, baru I started giving him the milk directly. Poured 3oz (sama macam his EBM intake) into his bottle and warmed it up. He drank like a champ! Gulp gulp gulp! But the tummy didn’t like it as much as he did. After about 10-15 minutes…uweekkkk!!!! He vomited the milk. All of it.

I tried again the next day and still the same. Habis car seat dia kena muntah. Argh! The leceh-ness of cleaning carseat with vomit. I no like!

For sure I know he’s not allergic to cow’s milk (from the porridge intake). If ada, dia dah swollen satu badan, right?

I take it that it’s too early for fresh milk. Tummy dia still adjusting. Most mommies yang kata their kids were okay with fresh milk are the 2 year olds yang memang dah weaned off the boobies and dah makan macam-macam.

So we shall wait. I’ll be trying again soon. When? I’m not sure. Let’s let the mommy instinct decides.
